Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2009 HOOCH

The head of the Hooch this year went well for the mens masters 4+ with a solid 3rd place (there were 22 entries in this event). We had 2nd place in raw time.
I thought I had at least a third in the single, but yet again beat by curt browder for that position. Fast water: speed coaches were registering about 8k to the start and 3.8k for the race. It was like a white water rafting trip

General picture of race competitors

JRC mens 4+

Me in the 1x

Team photos

Monday, October 12, 2009

2009 FCHR

2009 First Coast Head Race. Here are the pics. I rowed champ single and got 3rd or 4th (depending on wich official you talked to). Juan got 1st or 2nd in the champ race, we kicked ass in the 4+ with a very solid 1st place. Way to go JRC! Thanks to Carolyn for taking these truly awesome pics. The team picture is missing Bob W since he was out racing in a 2x with Janet. Results http://fchr.stantonriverbankcrew.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=51&Itemid=80

Katie chews on stick in prep for her next coxwains meeting

First place in the 4+

Look at that wake from the power 20 (Houston, we have lift off)

Let's get it started

Peter (me) 3rd (or 4th, hey its the FCHR )

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

2009 SER

ok, so here's the 2009 USRowing SE Regional champs in June. Hot as hell. over 100 degrees on the course. I got second place in the single (2nd fastest time of the day of all masters). We had our revenge in the 4+ wherein I beat the guy in his 4+ with his teammates. The top picture is me in the lead at the 1750 meter mark. Heartbreaking to be in front for 90% of race and then come in second.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Found: Old Pics

Death: This is what happens in the middle of the summer during one of mr. Rooney's training sessions. The picture is up close and personal because the launch is practically touching my stern. That's the way he makes you row until you wretch. good fun. I think this is a really old picture. Probably around 2003
From same day. Paul McArthur took all these pics by the way.

Nice smooth water, old crummy boat. Although I would have to admit that this old Vespoli is tougher and more resilient than my new Fluidesign (in which I have had all kinds of broken cockpit parts).

Thursday, April 30, 2009

2007 Master Nationals

7 months of training $X dollars. Falling down in the park while walking my dog (when my back went out) $0 dollars, trip to Tenn, $1500, silver medal, priceless

winter row pictures

These pictures were taken in the winter of (2005?). Pictures taken by Eric Rousseau.

2008 First Coast Head Race

Here are some pictures from the 2008 FCHR. Its a 5k race through three treacherous bridges in Jacksonville. We almost sank with all of the water we took in but still managed to beat some of the highschool teams. Not bad for a bunch of old guys in an old wreck. I am #2 seat (2nd from front of boat)